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Obama Promises Immigration Reform   February 21st, 2009
Amnesty? Easier path to citizenship?       


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An interesting report from Univision (a Spanish-speaking U.S. television network) in Los Angeles might be giving us some insight as to what President Obama might have in mind when it comes to immigration. And it sure seems like amnesty and/or easier citizenship cannot be ruled out.


"Necesitamos comenzar a trabajar en ello ahora. Va a tomar tiempo avanzar eso (la propuesta), pero estoy muy comprometido de que eso se concrete", declaró el mandatario durante una entrevista con una radiodifusora en español en esta ciudad.

Obama agregó que su gobierno incluirá en el proceso legislativo a todos aquellos involucrados en asuntos de reforma migratoria para que "piensen cómo vamos a enfrentar este problema".

"Politicamente va a ser difícil. Probablemente va a ser más difícil que antes, en parte porque la economía ha empeorado", indicó el presidente...

For those that don't speak Spanish, here's the translation:

"We need to start working on it now. It's going to take time to advance it (the proposal), but I'm very dedicated to resolving it," declared the leader (Obama) during an interview on a Spanish radio program in this city.

Obama added that his administration will include everyone involved in immigration reform in the legislative process so they can, "think how we're going to confront this problem."

"Politically it will be difficult. Probably it will be more difficult than before, in part because the economy has gotten worse," indicated the president.

Something to think about: The only reason a worsened economy would make the issue more difficult is if he were planning on trying to make the case that illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay.

Getting strict on illegal immigration is easy during hard economic times when Americans don't want to be competing with illegal immigrants for scarce jobs. It's only more difficult if you're trying to convince unemployed Americans that we should let illegals keep the jobs they illegally have obtained.

Some more from the report with an immediate English translation:

"A la vez, junto a las organizaciones pro derechos de inmigrantes... les pido que comiencen a dar ideas respecto a las estrategias que vamos a usar en el Congreso", puntualizó.

"At the same time, along with the organizations for immigrant rights... I ask that you start coming up with ideas in regards to strategies that we're going to use in Congress," he said.

Obama is clearing insinuating that he's planning on working with "immigrant rights" groups to advance their common agenda.

También, el presidente manifestó que antes de la reforma migratoria se enfocaría en mejorar el sistema actual de inmigración, indicando que le gustaría agilizar y reducir el del proceso de nacionalización.

Also, the president declared that before immigration reform, he'll focus on improving the current immigration system, indicating that he'd like to speed up and reduce the citizenship process.

So he wants to make it easier to become a citizen? As someone who is married to a Mexican and for whom I did all the paperwork necessary for her to be able to live in the U.S. legally, I can assure you there is not an undue burden in obtaining permanent residence or citizenship for those that should receive it. There are some forms to fill out, some fees to pay, some blood tests and biometrics/fingerprinting, and a 15-minute interview. It amounted to less than a day's worth of time and the whole process took about 9 months, start to finish. That's about it.

Contrary to popular believe, I've seen no indication that the immigration process is unduly burdensome. Yet President Obama thinks it needs to be "reduced?"

So, in summary:
  • Obama thinks it will be harder to deal with immigration during a difficult economy.
  • He's asking for help from "immigrant rights" groups on a Congressional strategy.
  • He wants to unnecessarily simplify an already reasonable citizenship process.
  • The interview was for a Spanish-speaking audience and apparently hasn't been reported in English-speaking media.
I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to what he has in mind.

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