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Immigration Only a Problem Because GOP highlights it?   April 10th, 2009
An interesting quote from a Democratic polster       


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An interesting slip by a Democratic pollster at the Democrats' February retreat potentially gives us some insight as to how Democrats see the immigration "problem."

"The downturn in the economy has not weakened the case for comprehensive reform and has the potential to strengthen the case for it," Brodnitz said. He added that Democrats must take a lead because "the problem won't go away as long as the GOP continues to raise it" and that since Democrats run Congress and the White House, that "makes us increasingly accountable for results."

The most revealing comment is, of course, the first one. "The problem [immigration] won't go away as long as the GOP continues to raise it."

Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but one could be forgiven for reading that quote and understanding that this isn't an issue the Democrats would want to touch if it weren't for the fact that the GOP keeps raising it. The implication I get is that Democrats see this as a problem because the GOP can hit them over the head with it politically, not because illegal immigration truly represents a problem or threat to the country.

The truth is, the problem won't go away as long as the problem isn't fixed. It's not a problem because the GOP raises it. It's a problem because it's a problem.

The second bolded text is just humorous. "Since Democrats run Congress and the White House, that 'makes us increasingly accountable for results.'" Really? You think?

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